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A trademarked name of an advanced proprietary process developed by the scientists at the Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc.

The mesoprocess is a continuous process used to produce metal colloids of virtually any metal, including those from the platinum group. Metal colloids produced using this unique new method are called mesocolloids.

Colloids produced using the mesoprocess start out as high purity metal having a purity of 0.9999, commonly called four nines purity. While the details of the transformation process that converts solid metal to sub-nanometer particles are proprietary (a trade secret) the concept is simple. The metal is first rendered into a form consisting of its individual atoms. The individual atoms are then coalesced into particles consisting of nine atoms each. This produces particles that are 0.65 nm in diameter, or 2.6 times the diameter of a single atom. These metal particles are then uniformly dispersed in pure pharmaceutical grade deionized water to produce a colloidal suspension. The particles remain suspended in the water indefinitely due to a small negative electric charge imparted to each particle called its zeta potential. The zeta potential produces a mutual repulsion of the particles which keeps the particles uniformly dispersed in the water indefinitely.

There are no chemicals, protein binders or other additives used in the mesocolloids, only pure metal and pure water.

The development of the mesoprocess from inception through design and development of the specialized equipment needed to implement the process consumed over 15,000 hours of effort over a period of five years by the scientists at the Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc.


The most common methods used to produce colloids today include:

  • chemical precipitation
  • electrochemical (electrolysis)
  • sonoelectrochemical techniques

These methods typically produce particles whose sizes ranges from 10 nm up to several hundred nanometers. The size of the particles in Mesosilver and Mesogold have been determined to be less than 1 nm in diameter (0.65 nm typical) as shown in the particle size report.

Ions vs Particles

The Mesoprocess produces colloids containing:

  • a high percentage of metal particles vs. metal ions
    Colloids produced by the mesoprocess have a high percentage of particles vs ions, typically 80% to 100% depending on the metal. Some electrochemical processes result in colloidal solutions whose metal content consists of only 1% particles, while 99% is ions.
  • smaller particles than those produced by other methods
    The size of the particles in mesocolloids are less than 1 nm in diameter
    (0.65 nm typical).

The term mesocolloid was coined to refer to a group of metal colloids that contain mesoparticles and are produced using the mesoprocess. The mesocolloids are available for all of the following metals: gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, iridium, titanium, and zinc.

For detailed scientific information concerning the science of colloidal silver, go to www.Silver-Colloids.com . Here you will find a wealth of information and a free book about colloidal silver.

Here is the list of colloids produced using the mesoprocess:

Colloidal Silver
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